Texture Removal

The power of smooth, modern ceilings.

Breathe New Life into Your Home: Expert Texture Removal Services

Is your home stuck in a time warp with outdated popcorn or textured ceilings? These once-trendy features now detract from the modern aesthetic and can even lower your home’s value. At The Renovator, we offer comprehensive texture removal services that transform your space and usher in a timeless, modern appeal.

  Experience the remarkable transformation of your ceiling into a sleek, contemporary masterpiece. Schedule a consultation today!

Call us: 778 772 4327
Popcorn texture removal process: Hand scraping a ceiling in preparation for a smooth, modern finish.
Modern Ceiling Transformations

Beyond Repair: We Enhance Your Home with Expertise & Quality

Living room before popcorn texture removal by The Renovator. The ceiling has heavy popcorn texture, stains, and discoloration, making the space appear dark and outdated.
Modern living room featuring a smooth, white ceiling (popcorn texture removal) by The Renovator. The ceiling reflects natural light, enhancing the space.

Experience the Difference:

Our unique approach to texture removal offers several advantages:

Eco-Friendly Methods: We prioritize environmentally friendly techniques to minimize our impact and contribute to a healthier planet.
State-of-the-Art Equipment: We utilize advanced tools and equipment to ensure a professional, dust-free finish with minimal disruption to your home.
Tailored Solutions: We understand that every ceiling is unique. We offer custom-designed solutions to address popcorn ceilings, stucco, or any other outdated texture effectively.

Why choose smooth ceilings?

Here’s how they can elevate your home:

Modern Aesthetic

 Achieve a clean and sophisticated look that aligns with current design trends, enhancing the overall feel of your living space.

Increased Value

Boost your home’s market ppeal and potential selling price by opting for a modern, smooth ceiling.

Effortless Maintenance: 

Enjoy the convenience of easier cleaning and reduced repair costs with smooth ceilings that don’t trap dust and allergens like textured alternatives.

get a free quote today
expert tips and tricks for a professional texture removal job.

A Seamless Transformation: Our Texture Removal Process

At The Renovator, we know that committing to a texture removal project can seem overwhelming. That’s why we’ve honed a comprehensive, eco-friendly texture removal service that covers all bases—from ceiling repair and skim coating to priming and painting. Our goal is to deliver a rejuvenated, modern ceiling that aligns with contemporary design trends.

Here’s a breakdown of our meticulous process, ensuring a smooth and flawless result:

Meticulous Preparation:

Setting the stage for a smooth experience

Before we commence work, we meticulously prepare the room to protect your belongings and minimize dust migration. Furniture and walls are covered with plastic, doorways are sealed, and we ensure the room is as empty as possible for easy ceiling access.

Efficient Removal

Removing the past, one texture at a time

Once the room is ready, we expertly remove the texture using vacuum-attached power sanders or scrapers. If your ceiling was previously painted, we’ll apply up to two coats of skim coat for a flawless surface, and use two coats of high-build primer, for optimal results.

 Smooth Perfection

The Finishing Touches, smooth and bright ceiling

Finally, we apply two coats of premium quality ceiling paint, leaving your ceiling with a fresh and polished appearance. Once the painting is complete, we meticulously remove all containment materials and site protection, leaving your room clean and dust-free.